Covid -19 Safety Plan
Our highest priority is the safety of our clients and staff. To prevent exposure to COVID-19 and to decrease the spread of this pandemic, we have implemented the following processes:
Employees will be required to complete a daily health/wellness form.
Employees must take their temperature the night before and the morning of a job.
Employees who have symptoms of any illness will not be permitted to come to work and will be tested as soon as possible.
All clients will be required to complete a health/wellness form prior to the start of work.
Vendors are required to follow SWAPPING SCENES COVID-19 guidelines and policies.
Employees must wear personal protective equipment including goggles, gloves and masks or face shields. When appropriate, coveralls and booties should also be worn.
Employees must clean their hands often with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-95% alcohol or wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Soap and water is preferred if hands are visibly dirty.
We encourage employees to carry and use hand sanitizer frequently.
Employees are encouraged to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.
Clients must wear personal protective clothing at all times, including masks and gloves.
Clients and employees must perform social distancing - Maintain at least six (6) feet between people at all times.